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High-temperature operando NMR Probe

ZIM cooperation project (KK5554801JP3) 2023- 2026
with Prof. Eike Brunner (Dresden)

Operando measurements allow non-invasive, time-resolved insight into battery charge cycles. Especially solid state batteries and high temperature stable ionic liquids are of interest, but require high operating temperatures up to 300°C. These temperatures are currently at the limit of hardware capabilities of superconducting NMR magnets, which are operated at -270°C. Although the magnets are thermally insulated from the probe, local overheating due to heated probes can lead to damage or destruction of the superconducting coils. Additionally, there are currently no probe interfaces available, where an elechtrochemical cell can be included and kept at a stable temperature. The present project should solve these problems and focuses at four key development directions:

  • building of a high-temperature operando NMR probe, including a control unit
  • thermal insulation of the probe space @ 300°C from the magnet bore @ 21°C
  • connection and operation of high-temperature cells up to 300°C
  • development and monitoring of high-temperature cells for novel battiers


A collaboration with the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V. (HZDR)

"TecRad - Wechselwirkung von Technetium mit Mikroorganismen, Metaboliten und an Mineral-Wasser Grenzflächen - Radioökologische Betrachtungen" aims at combining electrochemical measurements with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in order to investigate redox reactions in solutions. This combination will allow to research redox processes at the boundaries of pollutants, focusing on technetium containing compounds. The results will be used to develop models for end-storage of techentium containing pollutants. Note, project funding by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF, grant no. 02NUK082; collaboration contact Dr. Natalia Mayordomo Herranz.


HORIZON-EIC-2022-PATHFINDEROPEN-01, project 101099934
2022 - 2026

V-LF-Spiro3D: Low and very low field 3D magnetic resonance spirometry for advanced regional exploration of respiratory diseases. We contribute on very-low-field hardware developments: design and manufacturing of original transcouplers and preamplifiers for VLF MRI at 8.4 MHz, 4.2 MHz and lower frequencies.
In collaboration with: Universite Paris-Saclay (FR), Institut Polytechnique de Paris (FR), Siemens Healthcare SAS (FR), Stichting Katholieke Universiteit Brabant (NL), Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam (NL), Association Hopital Foch (FR), Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Paris (FR), University of Aberdeen (UK), and Pôle de Ressources ETP IDF (FR).

DARK MATTER probe system

with Universität Mainz and ILK Dresden

The search for dark matter requires more and more sophisticated experimental techniques to finally be succesful. One new way to test dark matter is NMR. The university of Mainz asked us to develop the special NMR setup they need - a fusion of a two channel NMR probe with a special cryostat, which keeps the electronics of the probe at 20 K while the sample is at 100 K. This way thermal noise will be at a minimum and there will be a chance to measure the effects of dark matter on a spin ensemble with a lock-in amplifier. The ILK Dresden is developing the cryostat while we have the task to build a fitting probe and assemble the whole setup.

ROBATT - robot assisted probe for battery research

BMBF Forschungszulage 2020 - 2025

In situ NMR measurements are a powerful analytical tool for the investigation and optimization of battery and energy storage materials. This method is being used by universities, research facilities and industry all over the world, but is currently limited by hardware. We therefor want to develop robot assisted in situ NMR probes for battery research, which will allow (a) an automatic recalibation of optimal measurement parameters, (b) the adjustment of temperature and flow and (c) high-resolution in situ MAS measurements. Technical difficulties will be overcome and battery research elevated to a new analytical level: efficient, user-friendly and widely applicable.

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