MADE BY NMR SERVICE - MADE FOR YOU +49(0)361-551-282-00

University of Cambridge (UK)

We collaborate with the laboratory of Prof. Dame Clare P. Grey on the development and application of new solid-state NMR probes and technologies.

Technical University Darmstadt (DE)

We collaborate with the research laboratories of Prof. Gerd Buntkowsky and Prof. Torsten Gutmann on solid-state NMR applications and hardware development.

Columbia University (USA)

We collaborate with Prof. Lauren E. Marbella on the development of new solid-state NMR probes incl. our LED MAS and high-power MAS probes for low-gamma nuclei investigations.

Technical University Dresden (DE)

We collaborate with Prof. Eike Brunner on the development of a new high-temperature in situ NMR probe and its application on various Li- and Na-ion battery materials, see ZIM cooperation project (KK5554801JP3) 2023- 2026.

Lancaster University (UK)

We collaborate with Dr. John Griffin on LED MAS probes and solid-state NMR applications.

HZDR Innovations (DE)

We partner with Dr. Hannes Kühne and HZDR Innovation on complete low-temperature probe systems including the two-axis rotator ROTAX.

Watch this space for your customised solution - contact us.