MADE BY NMR SERVICE - MADE FOR YOU +49(0)361-551-282-00

Welcome to NMR Service GmbH (Erfurt, Germany)

NMR SERVICE is probes, accessories, and services in magnetic resonance as unique as your research. We are based in Erfurt in the centre of Germany and serve our clients world-wide. For more than 20 years, our heart beats for customised solutions in solid-state nuclear magnetic/quadrupole resonance (NMR/NQR) and related techniques. We develop and manufacture individual hard- and software solutions for solid-state research under extreme conditions. We guide you all the way from planning the setup, installing the hardware, supporting your experiments, troubleshooting, and hardware modifications/upgrades.

Please visit our subsidiary ePROBE for battery analysis technology solutions including probes, hardware, consultancy, and in situ/operando NMR accessories for solid-state/materials chemistry and battery research.


ALL OUT OF ONE HAND. We develop customised static and MAS solid-state NMR/NQR probes for materials research. Our strong expertise lies with low-temperature NMR/NQR probes for any magnet/cryostat system, high-temperature probes up to 800°C, and various NQR probe solutions. We provide complete NMR/NQR systems, installation, and training services. Our controller units for automatic tune/match, MAS, temperature, flow, and light, as well as the in situ NMR, RF, and MAS accessories are made to benefit the work flow in your research.


SERVICE – NOT ONLY IN THE NAME. We listen to your needs and will always find a solution for your inquiry. We build on a strong network of collaboration with academic and industry partners. We are able to repair and/or modify any solid-state NMR probe. We look back on 40+ years of (lifetime) experience in magnetic resonance and offer various consultancy services in the field including in situ/operando NMR in battery research.


NOBODY IS AN ISLAND. We cherish collaborations on new technologies and experiments with our academic and industry partners. Find some of them here. We are happy to discuss and develop a project with you.